The Road to Samburu

We left Sweetwaters for the drive (several hours) to Samburu National Preserve. As was the case two days ago, the drive itself was an exciting and absorbing experience. We eventually left the “pavement” and drove on a good dirt road. You will see roadside pictures again which will remind you, perhaps, of some parts of Mexico and will most definitely show you that not all the world lives as we do. It is simply different; neither better nor worse.

Seems like the local bus is a bit overcrowded.
Our guides did more than just guide.
Just a beggar looking for more cigarettes, but what character in that face.
It was Sunday and these were on their way to church.
A house is a home
A local market place and bar.
Children would wave as we drove by.
Islio- their mosque
Getting gas at Islio - across from the mosque.
Samburu Serena Lodge
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