Sweetwaters Camp

Our second night in Kenya was spent at this camp which is anything but a “camp” in our popular sense. We had hot water bottles in our bed as well as indoor plumbing and floors. There is a main building that houses the buffet room, gift shop, lounge and more. There is a water hole on the edge of the open area and we wished that we would have had time to sit a while just to enjoy the animal activity it attracted. And yet we were to learn that the game drives – one in the morning and one in the afternoon – would provides us with far more wildlife than any water might encourage. This set the stage for all the rest of our days which were filled with “Game Drives” in our Land Rover with our fabulous guides.

Our "Tent" home
Roughing it in our "tent"
The beds even had warmers placed by the staff.
Sacred_Ibis were at the watering hole along with the rest of these animals.
Maribou_Storks have a beautiful name. but ....
Wart Hogs - unlike the Maribou Storks, these guys don't even have pretty names.
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