Samburu Game Drive No. 4

As was often the case, a game drive provided a unique thrill and this time it was Cheetahs. Not one but three of them. But there are a lot of other species as well on this drive and we hope you enjoy them all.

Bird and mammals are mixed on all these pages because they were mixed on the drives. What we sees is what you gets. So, we have a Crested Bustard and then a Drongo. When you consider the abundance of birds here – in mid-winter – with the abundance of birds in mid-winter in the American desert, this place is nothing short of awesome. We also waited (what would you do?) for a line of elephants to pass by. I guess they had the right-of-way. The bird on the right is a Yellow-necked Spurfowl. (Would they be red-necked in parts of the USA?)

This is a Red-billed Hornbill followed by pictures of African Umbrella trees which seem to be so characteristic of African grassland views that we tend to have in our minds. There is a Waterbuck here. A pair of vultures are seen at their nest and a White-crowned Shrike is on the right.

White-crowned Shrike
White-backed Vulture_nest
UmbrellaTree with nests
Red-billed Hornbill
Elephant Parade. Everyone waits
Buff-crested Bustard
Yellow-neck Spurfowl
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