Samburu Game Drive No. 2

Most game drives had a thrill encounter and this one had elephants. Lots of elephants in all sizes. They were moving past us in no great hurry and we got to park and simply watch them for quite a while. Actually, what got us to that spot in the first place was a Leopard in a tree.
We watched this Leopard sleep for a long time. We even went and came and watched him sleep some more. I think he was really a stuffed animal with a bobble-head. We were consumed with elephants for a while. The Leopard tree was to right of these pictures. At least the elephants were moving. In fact they were moving with some kind of purpose. We noticed that they keep eating as they walked along.
Dikdiks seem to have developed a survival strategy; they are fairly small and would be easy prey in the open but they are usually found around large bushes where they can find some measure of protection from the big cats. The Impala is a stately fellow
The birds came be just as important to some of us as the large mammals. The African savannah seems to be home to tremendous variety of bird life and we enjoyed them all. This is a Yellow-billed Hornbill. The doves (this one is a Ring-Necked Dove) appear to serve as a sort of early warning system when a cat is nearby. We learned that these birds are capable of non-stop cooing when given proper motivation..

3 Dik-dik
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