Samburu Game Drive No. 1

Our first game drive in the Samburu Preserve was actually also our drive into the place and to our “camp” at the Serena Lodge. Our guides were not about to waste drive time just for the purpose of getting somewhere.

We saw our first Cheetah up close. He was rather sleepy and we were to see more in the days that followed and would be pleased to watch them hunt and eat. So, this one could simply sleep. The small deer-like animal is a Dik-dik and they are common everywhere. The browsing (eats tree parts) animal is a gerenuk. They can stand that way for a long time and are rather odd sights at first. The Oryx is just plain impressive doing anything.

Now, that’s a lizard! This is a Monitor Lizard sleeping in a tree. Maybe he is big enough to eat a Chihuahua. Maybe he did

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