Massai Mara Game Drive 6

Today we went to Paradise Crossing on the Mara River and ate box breakfasts. Just spending time there with all the activity in and along that river was the thrill of that drive.

As we drove around the Mara this morning we saw: this Dwarf Bittern, the Kori Bustard, the Crowned Plover, this very watchful Topi (I hope some other Topi brought him a cup of coffee), and the Cape Buffalo

Paradise Crossing! The Mara River flows clear and wide here and it seemed like everyone wanted to be there to do animal stuff. This is a famous site where the herds cross during migration season and it has been featured in a National Geographic special. There were lots of crocodiles including this guy with the big mouth. Large birds were everywhere and we watched a Pied Crow devil African Fish Eagle in what just might be my best picture ever. We even saw a dead Hippo stuck on the rocks; we had no idea what happened to it or if it even picked there to die. The goose is an Egyptian Goose and the great bird is a Fish Eagle. I frankly don’t know what the black bird with red head is and would like someone to tell me. (Thank you, Bill – it is a Southern Ground Hornbill). The big bird in flight is a Lappet-faced Vulture and the next picture features a pair of (so ugly) Marabou Storks. Next to them is a view of the Crossing and finally we see a vulture.

Special mention needs to be made for this female Hyena. She also was the Crossing. She was so pregnant that we all groaned just see her walking.

Topi on the look out
Paradise Crossing - used in almost every documentary about African migrations
Oxpeckers for a free ride and meal
Maribu Storks
Lappet-faced Vulture
Very pregnant Hyena - hard even to watch her move.
Fish Eagle
Egyptian Goose
Crowned Plover
Pied Crow driving off a African Fish Eagle
Crocodile at Paradise Crossing
Kori Bustard
Dwarf Bittern
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