
Lions are the top predator in Africa and we were pleased to have great views including one memorable day when a female and three cubs walked past us just a few feet away.

Lion drinking
young male
Adult female - note the great teeth
How close do you get to a lion? Pretty close.
This is Dad - The King
Here is Dad awaiting the family with eager anticipation.
Mom coming out the arroyo
One cub
Another cub
Three cubs coming up the arroyo
Mom - the cubs are behind her
This is how close we get. Stay in the truck, everyone.
The family will walk around us and settle with Dad who is just 300 feet or so on our left.
So, what does Dad do when the Mom and kids get there?
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Lion drinking
Lion drinking
young male
young male
Adult female - note the great teeth
Adult female - note the great teeth
How close do you get to a lion? Pretty close.
How close do you get to a lion? Pretty close.
This is Dad - The King
This is Dad - The King
Here is Dad awaiting the family with eager anticipation.
Here is Dad awaiting the family with eager anticipation.
Mom coming out the arroyo
Mom coming out the arroyo
One cub
One cub
Another cub
Another cub
Three cubs coming up the arroyo
Three cubs coming up the arroyo
Mom - the cubs are behind her
Mom - the cubs are behind her
This is how close we get. Stay in the truck, everyone.
This is how close we get. Stay in the truck, everyone.
The family will walk around us and settle with Dad who is just 300 feet or so on our left.
The family will walk around us and settle with Dad who is just 300 feet or so on our left.
So, what does Dad do when the Mom and kids get there?
So, what does Dad do when the Mom and kids get there?
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