Cocktail Party Last Night at Intrepids Camp

Three cheers for Terry! Way out there in the middle deepest, darkest Africa we all got printed invitations to a cocktail party on our last night together. That’s even better than hot water bottles in bed – maybe. Much was said then about how great we all felt (why weren’t we exhausted by then?) and David entertained with stories about the time he was “occupied” next to his truck and a lion walked up. We seem to be a good bunch.

Tomorrow we would fly to Nairobi have dinner and catch our flight. But tonight was for reliving our week.

Terry was our representative from WWF
Cocktail_party. This was held at Intrepid on our last night there.
Cocktail_party at Intrepids; That's Kristine
We were happy then and we still are now.
Cocktail_David was one of our guides and he told stories that night.
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Terry was our representative from WWF
Cocktail_party. This was held at Intrepid on our last night there.
Cocktail_party at Intrepids; That's Kristine
We were happy then and we still are now.
Cocktail_David was one of our guides and he told stories that night.
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