Massai Mara Game Drive 7

Tonight we would have a cocktail party and tomorrow we would fly to Nairobi for dinner at the Carnivore and then to return home. This has been the experience of a lifetime and we will work our way through our memories and our reactions for some time to come. But for this morning, there is one more game drive.

See the Banded Mongoose. The bird is a Wattled Plover. The bones are that of a hippo that died right there that way. As always, a Topi is standing guard on a high spot.

We took a quick visit back to Paradise Crossing and saw that the crocodiles were finally getting around to eating that dead hippo. Frankly, I think they should have started that job yesterday.

Wattled Plover
Topi on guard
Rhino_skeleton left by a poacher
Dead Hippo at Paradise Crossing; at least 2 days old
Crocodile at Paradise Crossing
More Crocodiles. This is where the herds cross each year
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