Massai Mara Game Drive 5

Our guides managed to find a Black Rhino in addition to the usual assortment of grassland species. We never really knew how those three guys managed to know so much about the areas and the maze of dirt trails and roads. We just felt very well treated and lived in a luxury of touring.

Black Rhinos apparently had become extremely rare due largely to the effects of poaching. This is the only one we found and we were grateful to our guides for their efforts. Fortunately, Kenya has become very forceful in the efforts to eliminate poaching and the results are becoming evident in the returning abundance of game species. Someone who had not been there asked if the game people provided any kind of support for the animals. No, they do not; in fact they have done very well in removing human interference on any level. Animals such as this Rhino exist in much the sameĀ  manner as they have for many thousands of years. It is a great demonstration of the success of an ecological system if it is simply allowed to function in the manner in which it has evolved over time.

If seems that, if there is water, there are crocodiles. Next the crocs are photos of Eland, Grant’s Gazelle, Masai Giraffe, and a Thompson’s Gazelle.

Black Rhino - very rare
Thompson Gazelle - not rare, but great lion snack food
Grant's Gazelle
Eland - beautiful animals
Typical Mara veldt scene
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