Massai Mara Game Drive 3

Today we drove into a part of the great herds that migrate through the Serengeti Plains each year. That was a huge thrill.

As we continued to drive around the Mara we saw more elephants, Grant’s gazelles, got a view of a lion drinking, and watched a Giraffe lean way down to graze.

We also saw a pair of Ostriches, more Topi, a White-backed Vulture, and a lot of Wildebeestes. My son took one look at that Wildebeeste photo and said “Ya know, Wildebeestes don’t have a lot going for them, do they.” I guess you would have to ask another Wildebeeste.

White-legged Vulture
Masai Giraffe slightly different color patterns than the Giraffes at Samburu
Lion_drinking at a very small water hole
The herds on the move
Grant's Gazelle
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